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Sunday, November 15, 2009

G&G BTII Color Gray

Good Afternoon Everyone!

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D is wearing G&G's BTII Color Gray. They do lighten her eyes don't they? I'd have to say the lens reminds me of GEO's Nudy Gray. You can see that the design is slightly different in the close up picture.

Pinchi-Ai Contact Lens Remover

Good Afternoon Everyone!

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Do you have long nails and find it hard to take off your contact lenses?
Why not buy a Pinchi-Ai Contact Lens Remover? It is made in Japan, and used to remove the lens from your eyes without hurting your precious eyes or the contact lens.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Innovision Color Gray & Dueba Dolly Gray

Afternoon everyone!

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Lets talk about Gray lenses.

D is wearing Innovision's Inno Color Gray lenses here. This lenses are sophisticated enough for school and work if you want something not too flashy.

Crystal is wearing Dueba's Dolly Gray lenses here. This lenses are a bit flashy and you really need some confidence to pull them off. Choose these lenses if you are craving for attention.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Mirine's Dark Angel EX

Good Night Everyone!

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The bigger, the better right?

D, is wearing Mirine's Dark Angel EX here. They are 14.5mm in diameter!
But can the design and colour stand up to the diameter? Just look at how big and beautiful her eyes are.

These are definitely lenses that will turn heads, so only choose this pair if you are ready for some attention!

Monday, September 7, 2009

Migwang's Aryan Ring Black

Good Afternoon Everyone!

This is

So you want to look like a Japanese Doll? Why not try black lenses?

Elizabeth here is wearing Migwang's Aryan Ring Black lenses. Look at how it instantly brightens up her eyes.

These are the lenses you want, for a natural oriental look. When you are feeling tired in the morning, just pop on some black lenses, to look more awake instantly.

Friday, August 28, 2009

How lenses are made

Afternoon Everyone!

This is

Check out how Hana Medicon makes their lenses in the factory:

Pretty neat huh?

Saturday, August 22, 2009

New Bio's Corona Brown

Morning Everyone!

This is

Check out New Bio's Corona Brown.

This is our model Dee. She is wearing New Bio's Corona Brown.

Just look at how effective the enlarging effect is for these lenses! These lenses are absolutely natural, and everyone should own a pair of these. Definitely one of my favourite lenses!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Register with Pink Color

Hello Everyone!

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Get your 10% OFF now!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

New Website Layout

Good Afternoon!

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Check out our new website layout!

Use coupon code "GRAND05" when checking out, to receive $5 OFF your next purchase

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Dueba's Snowflake

Evening Everyone!

This is

Check out Dueba's gray colour snowflake lenses!

Elizabeth is wearing Dueba's Snowflake Gray above.

Makes her look quite sophisticated, doesn't it?

These lenses make your eyes "sparkle" because of the pattern of the snowflake design. They also define your eyes because of the dark black rim. Definitely one of the prettier lenses!

Be sure to also check out the brown version of these snowflake lenses at!

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Ordering from PINKCOLOUR

Afternoon Everyone!

So this is how your package shoud look like when you order from Pink-Colour.

Complete with your lenses, a FREE Travel Kit, and a Pink-Colour brochure.
Have a nice day!

Friday, July 24, 2009

GEO's Nudy Golden Aqua

Good Afternoon Everyone!

This is

This Golden Aqua colour is the only 3 tone lens in GEO's Nudy collection.

Crystal is wearing GEO's Golden Aqua lenses here.

Light black ring with a 3 in 1 blend of Aqua-Blue and Gold for a bigger, brighter, exotic look!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

NEO's Sunflower

Morning Everyone!

This is

NEO Vision is one of the most
prestigious circle lens brands in Korea!

In fact, our Model Dee says NEO is the most comfortable lens she has tried so far!

Here Dee is wearing NEO's Sunflower (2 color) Blue.

Try these soft blue circle lenses. Your eyes will sparkle and like a
big sapphire crystal.

Monday, July 13, 2009

GEO's Angel

Morning Everyone!

This is

So a couple posts ago, we talked about how popular our GEO Angel Brown was, but what about the other colours?

Elizabeth is wearing the GEO Angel Violet here. It compliments her black hair very nicely.

Feeling girly? Try Violet lenses for a cute and pretty look. These lenses will especially define your eyes, with the thick black rim.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Mouse Travel Kits

Morning Everyone!

This is

These lovely Mouse shape Travel Kits can be purchased at our Box at Pacific Mall Unit E31 Box 202 or Unit E75 Box I03 for only $5. We are currently not selling these Mouse Travel Kits on facebook yet.

Mouse Travel Kits comes in Yellow, Blue, Pink, Green and Violet

Mouse Travel Kit includes: compact with mirror, contact lens case, small bottle for solution, tweezers, small stick.

Have a nice day!

Sunday, July 5, 2009

GEO's Angel

Morning Everyone!

This is

GEO is one of the more known brands of circle lenses to young girls these days. You can find them almost anywhere online and even in some cosmetic shops.

So I want to introduce our best-selling lenses from GEO.
You guessed it.. GEO's Angel Brown.

This is our Model Crystal. She is wearing GEO's Angel Brown.

These lenses look good on just about anyone!
Thick, black circle to define and enlarge your eyes, with medium brown base colour for a more natural way.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

15.5mm DIA lenses

Good Morning Everyone!

This is

So is it true to that lenses with a greater diameter give a greater enlarging effect?

But I've noticed that my clear conventional lenses and my regular cosmetic lenses from the optical centre have a DIA of 14.5mm... then why aren't their enlarging effect as great as my circle lenses with only 14.0mm in DIA?

Here is the response from our Japanese supplier:

Thank you for your inquiry.

Some Japanese site says their lenses to be DIA
15.5mm or even 16.0 mm....that means they are pushing
the lens flat and measuring it, like this;
Their actual DIA is 14.0mm to 14.5mm.

For example, our Angel EX series is sold as 15.5mm
on some Japanese site.

Actually, some of our wholesale customers were
selling our "Walkure" as 15.5mm...
so it is really up to each shops how to promote
their lenses.

Hope this answer will help.

So there we have it. The myth is false, and so lenses with a greater diameter doesn't necessarily mean they have a greater enlarging effect.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Free Travel Kit

Morning Everyone!

This is

We are giving away 1 FREE contact lens Travel Kit with the purchase of any of our NEW lenses!

These kits are useful in case something (dust, dirt etc..) gets in your eye during the day and you need to take out your lenses.

The Travel Kit includes: Compact with mirror, lens case, small bottle for solution, and tweezers.


Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Hana Medicon's Amigo

Morning Everyone!

This is

Today I want to introduce Hana Medicon's Amigo Series.

This is our Model Dee. She is wearing Hana Medicon's Amigo Violet.

These lenses are really pretty and have a black ring around it. The coloured part is fuzzy violet with no particular design to it, making your eyes appear gloomy.

The Amigo series are good for both sophisticated and cute look.

Friday, June 19, 2009

GEO's Tears

Good Night Everyone!

This is

Some circle lenses have designs on them such as Tears, Butterflies and Stars.

One of my favourites is the Tears series, which, like its name says, has a tearful effect. They make your eyes glisten and look sparkly.

This is Elizabeth. She is wearing GEO's Tears Brown. They are also available in Gray.

These lenses are good for days when you don't want too wear much colour on your eyes.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Q & A

Good Afternoon Everyone!

This is

Today I want to answer some of the most common questions we receive:

Q: How many hours can I wear circle lenses?
A: Just like regular contacts, they should not be worn for more than 8hrs.

Q: Can I wear circle lenses everyday?
A: Circle lenses unlike conventional (clear) lenses, were made for cosmetic purposes, although they can also correct vision. The coloured part will block oxygen and water supply to your eyes more than clear conventional lenses. So I would definitely not recommend wearing circle lenses everyday, but ~3 times a week should be fine.

Q: Should I get an eye examination before purchasing circle lenses?
A: Yes! Yes! Yes! You need to ask your optometrist for your prescription and it may or may not be different from your prescription on your eye glasses. Even if you do not need vision correct, you still need to have your base curve measured. You are suppose to be able to wear lenses within +/- 2mm from your base curve. We carry lenses with
base curve of 8.4mm and 8.6mm to cover the base curve range of 8.2mm to 8.8mm.

That's it for now, and remember, if your eyes feel tired, just opt to wear glasses that day instead!

Monday, June 15, 2009

GEO's Nudy Brown & Gray

Good Evening Everyone!

This is

This is one of our Models, "Dee". She is wearing GEO's Nudy Gray.

Did you know that Gray is IN? Gray is the NEW Brown!

Try Nudy Gray for a sexy and cool look.

Many of our customers like the Nudy Gray lenses because it gives off this mysterious shiney effect.

Nudy Gray is one of Pink-Colour's Hit Items!


Good Afternoon Everyone!

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Have you heard of Circle lenses yet?

Circle lenses were first introduced about ~6 years ago in Korea, used by celebrities to make their eyes appear bigger and more beautiful on TV.

Circle lenses really boomed when it was introduced to Japan because it fit well with the "Kaiwaii" culture.

It wasn't until only ~2 years ago that Circle lenses became really trendy in the Western market.