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Tuesday, April 20, 2010

G&G's Marie Violet

Good Evening everyone!

This is

Dienamite is wearing G&G's Marie Violet. These lenses are 3 toned, meaning that they have a blend of 3 colours. They are composed of 3 layers of colour for a natural look. If you naturally have honey colour around the center of your eyes, then you know what I mean!

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Mi Contact Magic Blue Black

Good Evening Everyone!

This is!

Charlotte is wearing Mi Contact's Magic Blue Black

These lenses are perfect for a subtle look with good enlarging effect. They are good to match with any style or colour clothing and hairstyle!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Free Travel Kit

Good Evening everyone!

This is

For every order, we always give out a free travel kit, but do you know which travel kit we give out for free?

Will it be the star shape travel kit? This one comes in pink or purple.

Or Maybe it will be this lovely mouse shape travel kit which is available in pink, blue and yellow.

Do you fancy a black, elegant, and chic travel kit?

Or will you receive the dog shape travel kit which is available in white, gray and brown.

The answer is that we actually randomly choose which travel kit to give out so you may randomly receive any one of the above travel kits with every order! Don't worry if you do not get the one your favour most or if you need an additional travel kit because you can always purchase one from our website!